Our Services

  • Writing Services

    SpeakWrite provides compassionate support and skilled writing services that amplify the voices of Aboriginal people and advocate for systemic change.

    Business plan development | Project plan development | Strategic planning | Grant writing | Operational planning | Capability statements | Policy development 

  • Speaking, Facilitation and Workshops

    We facilitate workshops and panels that encourage open, honest conversations about critical issues affecting Aboriginal communities. Workshops on topics such as Lateral Violence, Anti-Racism, Aboriginal Women’s Success, and more.

    Upcoming Projects: Moderating panels | Mentoring | Coaching | Public speaking | Business start-up | Education sessions | Wellbeing Retreats

  • Event Management  

    We host annual events focused on empowering Aboriginal women. Our mission is to ensure Aboriginal voices are heard and celebrated through meticulously planned and executed events, on local, regional, and national platforms. SpeakWrite will lead events and ensure opportunities for employment and contracting of Blak services.